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  • Aug 11, 2018 @ 05:59am

    Re: Re: Re: Privacy?

    I am interested in this website. Have you built it, yet? I really need to connect with people that have the same kind of problem, who aren't "perps".

    I read somewhere in this thread,"You are a celebrity now." And that is how it actually feels. Everyone I speak with seems to know me, know personal stuff about me that they shouldn't know. Men look at me weird; I think the last time I was "with" someone they illegally recorded it and put it on the internet. I am trying to make a name for myself as an author, but it seems I am famous for something else that I can't find or identify. Women think they are really cute and think they are intelligent by parroting my words and phrases back to me. They just sound like robots or skipping records. They don't even sound like actual people.

    I am trying to finish a story that I want to publish that was supposed to go in my second book; but even strangers refer to the story as though they have read it. I am convince my home was broken into, photos were snapped of the handwritten pages, and they were leaked, as well as graphic personal erotica that I had written.

    My telephone conversations are listened to; my text messages and emails are read on regular basis, etc. Phrases or words that I use seem to become "catch phrases" everywhere in the community.

    I have developed some coping mechanisms that help me to ignore the b.s. so that it has much less of an impact on my psyche.

    I keep thinking it is a practical joke that went too far . . . I am sometimes in denial that I am a T.I., but I guess that is what I am? I just want someone to talk to that doesn't know me and has never seen any info on me. I cut off all my friends because they were in place to harass me using private information from my daily life. My children have been turned, including my 14 year-old son who lives with me, as well as my own father.

    I am still moving right along, though, and regardless of the "watching" I am still doing what I need to do and living the way I always have.They seem to think they are smart but I get the sense that they are really stupid people. I am astounded at the sheer stupidity of the people who surround me, especially those that have known me well for at least a decade, who somehow have been turned against me through some kind of manipulated information. Their minds are wasted, their brains are mush, and I feel sorry for them that they are being controlled so easily by some unknown ass with a personal issue against me who is too cowardly to walk up to me and say, "You told the truth about me to the world, so now I am getting back at you."

    Please let me know if the site has been built, and/or whether there is someone here who will communicate with me about the situation. I can't trust anyone in my community.