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Brian Rosen

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  • Sep 23, 2014 @ 11:53am

    Yes, Please Title II, but with NO SERVICES

    I do think Title II is the best way forward for Internet service.

    The thing I would like to see is that the utility that provides Title II regulated Internet Service be prohibited from providing any service beyond DHCP. Make it a true utility, with a guaranteed rate of return, just like power and water, but disconnect the services from the infrastructure.

    If you allow services to be provided by the infrastructure provider, you are always in a fight to maintain equal access. So, don't do that. We're pretty much there in many states with electricity and gas, and we should do it for Internet too. The incumbents can split between the regulated and non regulated portions, much as some power companies have both transmission and generation subsidiaries, but because there is a very bright line between them, it's easy to make sure that all service providers are treated equally by the transmission (or in our case Internet) provider and there is no cross subsidization of unregulated services by the regulated infrastructure subsidiary.