Rapnel 's Techdirt Comments

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  • United Airlines Made Its App Stop Working On My Phone, And What This Says About How Broken The Mobile Tech Space Is

    Rapnel ( profile ), 06 Sep, 2018 @ 04:44pm


    If you've got the nutshell I've got the nut - Perfectly capable compute devices that you don't own unless you try, hard. And by trying I mean that you have the ability, desire and tech savvy required to both own your bootloader and what it's loading.

    Walled app gardens are yin and yang but ultimately the owner of a device must be in charge - no carrier, no google, no apple. These are too powerful, along with the information potentially in them, to entrust to others with what we trust is our own, data and device.

    The "mobile" world, while not completely beyond repair, is not on the right path and needs correction.

    .. oh and United just sucks all around so perhaps you should just choose another provider. Really.

  • Significant Concerns About The New NAFTA Agreement's Impact On Innovation And The Internet

    Rapnel ( profile ), 29 Aug, 2018 @ 04:59pm

    Re: NOT a "massive handout" but I hope MINOR protections.

    Yeah ya fuckwad idiot, services. Those things "producers" actually need and will forever continuously strive to own, manipulate and destroy because "wah" they're playing our "things". You're a massive disgusting cunt of an insult to creators past, present and future. Just another controlling entitled idiot bootlicker that can't even bite its own dick.

  • Indiana Appeals Court Says Forcing Someone To Unlock Their Phone Violates The 5th Amendment

    Rapnel ( profile ), 29 Aug, 2018 @ 10:41am

    Re: What millions do routinely many times a day isn't "coercion".

    Jesus, you really are a fucking idiot, aren't you?

    We, humans, our capabilities, passions, thoughts and things do not, actually, exist at the behest of law enforcement.

    The simple reasoning that "once we could, now we can't" is a mind-fuck fabrication of an unenforceable, non-existent reality.

    We are permitted simply by the mere fact that we exist and can access thoughts, ideas and ingenuity to build any sort of protective barrier for our things that we could possibly devise. Anything, mate, anything.

  • US Trade Rep Appears To Misreport Its Own Trade Agreement To Include Copyright Extension

    Rapnel ( profile ), 27 Aug, 2018 @ 02:47pm


    Oh, you mean just like the "music industry" failing to actually pay their artists what their art is worth? The second largest group of hypocritical fucks on the planet steals from everyone always and blames infringement for their starving artists. gfy

  • DOJ Asking Court To Force Facebook To Break Encryption On Messenger Voice Calls

    Rapnel ( profile ), 20 Aug, 2018 @ 11:36am

    I get the lawful order angle, warrants, wishes, blah blah to enable listening however for prior "exceptions" they are not a choice most of us could route-around and the nature of those orders basically applied to "clear" mediums and purpose-built "central" infrastructures.

    The right to communicate in private is really, essentially, a natural human right (yes, it is).

    What they're asking to subvert is not cool or lawful (imho) and the mere existence of encrypted communications means people are actively attempting to communicate in private and assert this (natural) right.

    Encryption means "you" get to choose what's private and what's not - lawmen be damned along with the next guy.

    In short you don't get to make a new reality and math is already real.

    If facebook is forced to fold then who suffers? MS-13 or every other non-criminal motherfucker on the planet?

    You decide.

  • Shipyard Brewing Loses Its Lawsuit Over Ships and The Word 'Head'

    Rapnel ( profile ), 18 Jul, 2018 @ 06:59pm

    Re: Shi*head

    They, Shi[p|t]ard, actually do sell beer in this neck of the woods. I partook, occasionally, in the past, but it's an easy pass and so I shall continue to pass and forevermore.

  • Some Thoughts On The EU's Latest $5 Billion Google Antitrust Fine

    Rapnel ( profile ), 18 Jul, 2018 @ 06:19pm

    Fuck Google Android.

    With a modicum of effort most crap can be ripped and replaced but you need the power over your own device. With a lot of effort you can rip Google apps all the way out, again, from your own device. Without super user controls you get mediocre garbage, at best.

    "Masking" an app as your default is not integrated with the handset for most of the default apps.

    While you can definitely tweak your way around to happiness on your handset owning your handset, and all the powers therein, is a different matter altogether.

    Fuck Google Android, Play, Search, Chrome and whatever fuckall else they're hard-lined in to.

    Android and IOS are not really very good platforms, really. We have flagships that can push a grand to get onto and, oh boy, Android.

    Owning and using both I could give two shits what Google has to pay because it's pretty clear to me that it's not a healthy market. These phones actually pretty much suck, all around, but not for their hardware or build quality but because we've allowed the tables to be flipped on compute ownership.

  • If You Value The Reputation Of Your Restaurant, Maybe You Should Stop Serving Cops

    Rapnel ( profile ), 17 Jul, 2018 @ 04:22pm

    Re: SoundsLikePropaganda

    Yeah, pay no attention. A few police, a president, it doesn't matter. Everyone's got a job to do. People just matter less.

  • FBI Decides To Ruin A Man's Life Over Nude Photos Of His Legal Girlfriend He Took Seven Years Ago

    Rapnel ( profile ), 10 Jul, 2018 @ 01:17pm

    Re: Seriously?!

    Look how easily you judged an idiot only to observe a reflection.

  • 'Free' Game Making $300 Million Per Month? But I Thought You Can't Make Money On Free…

    Rapnel ( profile ), 27 Jun, 2018 @ 02:13pm

    Re: Re: Re: "no way anyone in the recording business" -- NOT GAMES.

    I lol'd too, music business idiot. Whatchoogot?

  • Legislators Reintroduce Pro-Encryption Bills After FBI Destroys Its Own 'Going Dark' Narrative

    Rapnel ( profile ), 13 Jun, 2018 @ 10:54am

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:I WAS SPOT ON~moderation?

    Moderation? What the..?? This ain't CNN or whatever. Nobody is going to save you from yourself here. You're going to have to put on your big boy pants. Moderation is feedback and feedback is moderation. The community provides feedback and by the looks of it you've been moderately moderated. You're ... welcome?

  • Legislators Reintroduce Pro-Encryption Bills After FBI Destroys Its Own 'Going Dark' Narrative

    Rapnel ( profile ), 12 Jun, 2018 @ 08:32pm


    What? Mr. Plastic Passion and the one rubbing one out to the lyrics of the Cockatoo Twins? The indomitable authoritarian furry fury twins? The feedback feeders, wit without charm, words without reasons? I don't hear anything... the sound must be censored.

    Now if we can get some mandates for XYZ to protect and THEN conquer we might get closer to a more sincere and sane society and you know, do actual patriot shit. .. .chya.

  • School Can't Take A Joke; Turns Student Over To Cops For Listing The School For Sale On Craigslist

    Rapnel ( profile ), 04 Jun, 2018 @ 10:24am

    Re: You're now doing pieces entirely due to snowflakes panicking.

    ... Said the idiot with a cause.

  • Verizon Begins 'Testing' DSL Usage Caps It Refuses To Call Usage Caps

    Rapnel ( profile ), 22 May, 2018 @ 07:20am

    Hardline caps, like the state of the ISP market as a whole, are complete and utter bullshit captured market fuckery.

    Their primary design and purpose is to continue to suck money out of consumers for a puffed up sense of purpose masquerading as service.

  • Cops 'Help' Naked, Possibly-Suicidal Schizophrenic Man By Tasing Him To Death

    Rapnel ( profile ), 09 May, 2018 @ 02:55pm

    There are no more "good cops".

    There are only good people forced underground because their police state overlords would relieve them of their duties for any actions deemed reasonable or considerate or hell even cognizant of the human condition.

    Fuck the police. Seriously. Fuck their leaders, their leaders and their leaders..

    oh wait.

    Fuck me.

  • Marsha Blackburn Wants ISPs To Sell 'Fast Lanes' Like 'TSA Pre-Check'

    Rapnel ( profile ), 26 Apr, 2018 @ 08:12am

    Re: Anonymous Threat


  • 19-Year-Old Canadian Facing Criminal Charges For Downloading Publicly-Accessible Documents

    Rapnel ( profile ), 17 Apr, 2018 @ 10:22am

    NS PM calling it theft. Yet another top-level authoritarian cunt that doesn't even remotely *want* to understand where actual accountability and responsibility lies.

    I'm sorry but the fucking protocol says it's available, other people's dreams and wishes not withstanding, http get.

    I'm getting pretty fucking tired of the seemingly total incompetence of "authority" reacting excessively if not violently to "this computer thingy and those meddling kids".

    An information repository accessible on the network is a PUBLIC FUCKING KIOSK of any and all information contained therein. Choose wisely (or just shoot the fucking messengers, apparently).

    This is the epitome of cunty authority. Bad governance defined.

  • FCC Commissioner Says Her Agency Is Now Just A Giant Rubber Stamp For Sinclair Broadcasting

    Rapnel ( profile ), 05 Apr, 2018 @ 09:15am

    Re: Bullshevik

    Forest, trees, whatever, I don't give a fuck, just cut it all down.

  • Congressman's Office Gets High School Student Suspended For Expressing His Displeasure With Congress

    Rapnel ( profile ), 29 Mar, 2018 @ 02:04pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: who cares

    Hmm, yes, well, children are loosing their lives through no fault of their own so.. your coin only has one side - an emotionally sarcastic dick one, at best.

  • Congressman's Office Gets High School Student Suspended For Expressing His Displeasure With Congress

    Rapnel ( profile ), 29 Mar, 2018 @ 01:52pm


    You love this site. Yeah you do. A'cuz you're an idjit lovah. You love idjit. Yeah you do. Idjit lovah!


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