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  • Apr 30, 2020 @ 02:32am


    That's the underlying problem here. Facebook allows filters based on the page's settings. There's no way to see those filters publicly. (As allowing that would make it trivial for anyone to bypass them, rendering the filter pointless.) Nor is there a way to see previously defined settings. I.e. There is no public log. As such anyone, not just the government, can ban something then turn around and unban it once people realize what words are causing the bans. Of course demanding that Facebook make this information public would just mean removing the filter capability outright, which many do not want, and the government would definitely make it so that if sued Facebook would suddenly "loose" the logs, hand over logs that exonerate the government, or just make the logs subject to "national security". Again, the problem is some people are more equal than others.

  • Apr 29, 2020 @ 01:59am


    While you called out that the lawyer was being stupid about a Supreme Court argument that doesn't hold, you did not also call out the journalist for failing to point out just that fact.

  • Apr 29, 2020 @ 01:58am


    There's 2 types of test - antigen and antibody. The former tells you if you currently have the virus. The latter tells you if you have previously had it by detecting the presence of antibodies that would only be present in people who have been exposed. The most common is the former, which is the one she presumably had. She just needs access to the other test.