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  • Mar 04, 2021 @ 07:56pm

    Fifth Amendment

    This was just a subtle reminder issued by the CIA that they don't have to provide evidence of criminal actions that can be used against them in court. By reason of the 5th Amendment the CIA is not required to admit to actions that are illegal and FOIA does not override the US Constution. Not a denial, just an indirect invocation of 5th amendment rights. Next step is a lawsuit in order to get a judge to render an official decision that CIA is required to self incriminate in spite of the constitution This won't protect CIA from congressional or DOJ action, but it was a polite way of saying "we don't disclose our covert operations"

  • Mar 04, 2021 @ 07:56pm

    Fifth Amendment

    This was just a subtle reminder issued by the CIA that they don't have to provide evidence of criminal actions that can be used against them in court. By reason of the 5th Amendment the CIA is not required to admit to actions that are illegal and FOIA does not override the US Constution. Not a denial, just an indirect invocation of 5th amendment rights. Next step is a lawsuit in order to get a judge to render an official decision that CIA is required to self incriminate in spite of the constitution This won't protect CIA from congressional or DOJ action, but it was a polite way of saying "we don't disclose our covert operations"

  • Jul 18, 2012 @ 03:22pm

    Re: What Restrictions does the Apache License place on code?

    The unmodified NSA code can probably be treated as Public Domain, but the contributions from outsiders to the Apache Project are not government contributions and will be subject to the license limitations.

    It makes sense to put it out as a licensed managed project, rather than simply posting the source & docs on a website and saying "This is public domain, take it or leave it".

    The managed project will gather outside improvements that are then available for the classified internal version of NoSQL.

  • Jul 18, 2012 @ 03:17pm

    Re: Re: I get this a lot

    The reasoning behind the current system is that each budget request specifies what if being paid for. Unneeded money is then available for other agencies to use for their needs.

    The effect of budget reviewers saying your are asking How Much!! for this change??? is simple. Budget authors pad the request and require the purchasing agents in the department to make sure the entire request is used, preferably with a little bit of a budget overrun that can be used to justify "We failed to ask for enough last time...give us a raise to cover our expected needs"

    Actually planning and requesting one time funding for a project is a nightmare as there is no history for the budget committee to look at and see that the request is not unusual. Unusual in the eyes of the bureaucratic bean counter is almost identical to unnecessary.

  • Jul 10, 2012 @ 05:20pm

    Re: Re: Re:

    It is easier to read if you substitute the synonym "method" where "means" appears with that meaning. :D

  • Jul 10, 2012 @ 05:17pm

    Re: Re:

    It is basically saying that there are two or more views of a single data item/cluster.

    For example: In WOW the status bar in the main window shows the player's gold. Now open a sell dialog where the gold status is repeated and you are seeing infringement of this patent.

    Prior are exists. For example a spreadsheet that is able to split the view and then move the focus so that both views display an overlapping range of cells. This feature was available in spreadsheets and graphical databases in the 1980s. Windows 3.x is capable of this and many programs enabled this by generating dialog windows that repeated data displayed in the main window.

    All versions of Windows from at least 3.x to Win8 infringe this patent, Mac OSX infringes this patent, Classic Mac (1984 onward) infringes this patent, vioAmigaOS (1985 to present) infringes this patent. Then going to programs... Any photo editor that displays a thumbnail or subsection of the image being edited in a separate window infringes this patent.

    This patent troll will need to select victims carefully so that they don't accidentally go after someone with the money to keep them in court long enough for the judge to make a decision based on the evidence.

  • Jul 10, 2012 @ 04:59pm

    One of the value added features of a Journal is their reputation. If a particular Journal is known to reject bad submissions, then the material they do publish gains credibility by association with the Journal. If the Journal is known to favor bad submissions (Think National Enquirer for an example) then the material loses credibility by association with the Journal.

    Regardless of what they publish each Journal pays Editors, copywriters, customer support/sales, peer reviewers (these may be low or no cost depending on availability and quality, but generally there will be a quality dependent cost) and then there is the per issue cost for assembly and publication of a print edition & monthly costs for the IT and internet presence. Many of these costs have a fixed component+marginal component so that a small distribution has a much higher per copy cost with each edition.

    Individual researchers are free to publish their work independently, this has not changed in centuries. However it is usually established researchers with a solid reputation or well established research centers with a solid reputation publishing these works. Publications from unknowns will automatically be judged as poor or fraud simply because they did not get into a 'proper' Journal.

    The Journals need to pay their bills so they price their submissions & subscriptions according to their estimated costs & income. Better quality with low distribution will cost more, larger distributions will generally lower the per piece cost & mediocre quality will lower it still more. There is a bottom where the price levels out due to periodicals priced below the point where they are taken seriously being ignored. (That seeming paradox is why small items sell better at $19.99 than they do at $9.99 ... the lower price means it isn't worth $20 :P ) For mass market periodicals the sweet spot minimum seems to be $4-$6 based on checking newsstands. Limited subscription periodicals do not have the economy of scale that allows those prices though.

  • Jun 27, 2012 @ 12:37am

    Re: Re:

    Actually there is an "exclusive right to regional windowing". It is spelled out in the copyright owner's right to decide who can copy the work.

    If the copyright owner says that the work is NOT to be distributed in Norway, then it cannot be legally sold in Norway. This control of a copyrighted work by the copyright owner is one of the few things common to all copyright laws.

    Copies purchased in other countries and brought back to Norway may be legal, but bulk import for resale or general distribution is likely to be in violation of the laws if the copyright notices says "Not for sale in or import to a region that includes Norway" (Region 1 DVDs have a variation of this on almost every commercial DVD sold)

  • Jun 20, 2012 @ 05:43pm

    Re: Re: Re:

    They need to be able to apply their knowledge of math in designing procedures.

    They need to be able to explain their knowledge of math in training those who have not yet learned it.

    Completely different skill sets. The teacher does not need to be able to use the knowledge in real world applications & the engineer/programmer does not need to explain the math concepts to the co-workers who are assumed to already have these skills.

    Yes many people who cannot make practical use of their knowledge are qualified to teach others the basics. The reverse equally applies. Many people who can make use of their knowledge in real world applications can be completely unable to teach the concepts to others.

    Running a business does not train one to be a teacher
    A Computer Science degree and practical experience as a programmer does not train one to be a teacher.
    However a good teacher can learn enough of both of these to teach others these skills up to the level the teacher has reached.

    You will rarely find 3rd & 4th year college courses being taught to mainstream High School students. Einstein & Hawking would actually be overqualified in terms of knowledge. Hawking has demonstrated an ability to explain & teach. Not sure if Einstein ever demonstrated an ability to teach students.

  • Jun 20, 2012 @ 05:31pm

    Re: Re: Re: Teachers

    Demonstrating ability should be the necessary step to getting the document.

    I know that sounds silly, but the document does state that the holder has been examined and found to be able to teach.

  • Jun 20, 2012 @ 04:58pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: A:

    The copyright holder has been granted control of the copyrighted material. This means in short that he has the right under the law to decide when the material can be distributed.

    The churchlady assumes that her religious beliefs grant her the right to contol distribution of material copyrighted by a Third Party or else Freely distributable. The law gives the parties targeted by the churchlady permission to ignore her.

    Yes she can file a lawsuit that will usually be thrown out of court, but occasionally she will win when the politicians or judge wish to enforce their personal moral code or gain political support. This is not legal (frivolous lawsuit) but is often effective when the target finds settlement is cheaper than defense or retaliation.

  • Jun 20, 2012 @ 04:24pm

    Re: Intellectual Monopoly +1 vote

    [sarc]The use of the word 'property' definitely confuses people. We need to completely stop using the word property to refer to items (tangible or intangible) whose ownership has been granted to identified entities by law or possession.

    Property actually refers to a characteristic of something. For example: Liquidity is a property of dihydrogen oxide (water) and also molten metals. obviously there is no way that anyone can grant ownership of the liquid property of water, so it stands to reason that laws giving ownership of a property is nonsense.

    Intellectual Property has nothing to do with Real Estate. Very few people, other than lawyers confuse Real Estate and legal rights to control use of an idea.

    In fact due to the legal rights granted to someone who registers an idea, Intellectual Property can be interchangeable with Personal Property under the law. This includes a limited period of ownership (ownership==control of use).

    An orange is an example of perishable personal property. The fact that it has a very limited useful life does not remove it's status as Personal Property under the law.

  • Jun 15, 2012 @ 08:47pm

    Re: Re:

    @Laughing at you AC

    Secondhand cars are already covered. You can buy a car overseas and use it in US ... AFTER it has been inspected and modifications needed to comply with US auto laws have been completed and certified.

    You can resell a car you have imported into the US as you are the registered owner. If you have not already had the car certified for use in the US, then the buyer will need to have this done unless it will never be used on public roads or lands.

    To use the car (except on private land) you need to register it. To register the car it must meet US safety standards. Foreign made vehicles often do NOT meet those standards and require modification before registration. This has nothing to do with First Sale though.

  • Feb 27, 2007 @ 12:45am



    The reason you haven't heard about those "terrorism" incidents is that in US they are classified as hate crimes. US doesn't make a special category for Islamic hate, they lump it in with KKK, White Supremacist, Black Supremacist Anti Gay, PETA, ELF and any other crime that is based on dislike of another group.

    If you reclassify all the "Hate Crimes" as terrorism (which they are) you will find US domestic terrorism to be reported virtually every day. Of course most of the US domestic terrorism is not Islamic & quite a bit is attacks on Moslems by Christians.

    This doesn't help advance the War On Terror of course so it is quietly brushed under the carpet unless the perps are Moslem.

  • Feb 26, 2007 @ 12:18am

    An after thought

    In the late 1980's Spokane Wa had bombs placed outside downtown buildings. Some of them detonated causing damage to the buildings from shrapnel. Some were blown up by the police.

    These were the classic pipe bombs. an 8" length of 1-1/2" diameter pipe with caps on each end ... inside was the detonator, explosive and shrapnel.

    They worked & made the 3rd page of the city newspaper. Not sure if the story was picked up by anyone else. In those days a minor terrorism incident was noted and forgotten once the police said they were looking for who dun it.

    More recently a terrorist was stopped crossing into Washington state. Maybe he would have made the national news if Customs hadn't searched the car...

    With the war on terrorism as it is today those simple pipe bombs would have been world news. Much more effective as an anti-terrorism measure was the way the media handled it at that time.

  • Feb 25, 2007 @ 11:55pm

    What does a bomb look like?

    Mind trigger

    You make a slight mistake. A disguised bomb may in fact have fancy flashing lights, behave like a radio or play MP3s the important thing for the bomb maker is that the damned thing not look dangerous. If making it look like a toy store version of a bomb complete with fancy displays will defuse paranoia then it will be done.

    The fancy timers and such are real and the bomb squads in places like Northern Ireland really do try to deal with them so that the evidence isn't blown up.

    US bomb squads take the safer route and destroy possible bombs after making sure that the explosion will be either contained or directed in a safe manner.

    For a terrorist, a bomb that says hello come over and investigate me is a good idea. It ensures that it will detonate while the targets are busily trying to get it to shut up :)

  • Feb 25, 2007 @ 11:18pm

    Prior art :)

    Microsoft did just that years ago. They claimed that they invented the Windows GUI concept.

    Prior art that was researched by Microsoft prior to suing Apple was Xerox Smalltalk & Amiga Corp. (purchased and brought to market by Commodore Business Machines)

    Of course Smalltalk and Amiga OS didn't matter since it was Microsoft who invented the GUI after Xerox developed the concept in the 70's and Apple & Commodore had machines in the marketplace :P

    Same old story ... different product