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  • Sep 28, 2013 @ 08:21am

    Re: Re:

    Tell you what Annie.

    I stand aside. As a card carrying Yank, I'll happily stand aside and let you form a nation that is superior, better, and stands up for it's moral principles, pays it's debts, has a government without corruption, feeds the poor, and defends the weak, and never ever does ANYTHING that doesn't benefit other nations before itself. By all means. Please!

    Then, perhaps we can watch how you fix these problems you find so easy to point out now. And like you, we'll be snide and laugh and point fingers, and tell each other how much better we are than you. Or if you succeed, we'll immigrate.

    What are the goals of your nation? What does your nation stand for? Does the rest of the world care? Probably not. Funny that.

    And if you're an American? Lead. Vote. Leave. Whatever.


  • May 15, 2009 @ 11:53am

    Re: re:never

    I would, and did. Try being a fast reader and traveling a lot. My Kindle has paid for itself (as expensive as it is) many times over.

    Flying 14 hours from DC to the Far east requires more than a single book. And believe it or not, I actually prefer reading books on my Kindle than on paper. And per title, I typically pay LESS than a paperback. Of course, the payback is like $.50/book, so it's gonna take years to get back my initial investment (notwithstanding the payoff for travel).

    Your point about theft/damage is definitely valid, I do worry about that, and rarely spend the time to backup my Kindle books. Not really an issue with my bookshelf at home...and if I lost my power adapter....bad juju.

    I guess I'll take my chances though. I love the damned thing.