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  • Jan 05, 2012 @ 04:41pm


    "The process of connecting people may require first finding sources for food, water, and shelter as well as navigating dangerous conflict over borders,..." I was in Liberia shortly after the civil war ended. There was no plumbing, no electricity, no infrastructure, almost no functioning economy, and yet everyone had cell phones and they managed community satellite TV for soccer games. Human ingenuity is powerful - if people want to be connected, they find a way.

  • Jan 05, 2012 @ 04:37pm

    cell phones

    "The process of connecting people may require first finding sources for food, water, and shelter as well as navigating dangerous conflict over borders,.." I was in liberia shortly after the civil war ended, no plumbing, no electricity, no infrastructure, hardly any functioning economy, and yet everyone had a cell phone, and they managed community satellite TV for soccer games. Human ingenuity is powerful, so if people want to be connected, they will find a way.