Rick Carufel's Techdirt Profile

Rick Carufel

About Rick Carufel

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  • May 15, 2014 @ 07:12am

    Since the API from goodreads.com is based on fake ratings and reviews, making it a complete fraud, does this mean that now even fraud can be copyrighted?

  • Apr 27, 2014 @ 10:06am

    people powered machines.

    If you want to see some outrage' people powered machines google "Kinetic Sculpture race" These are all peoples powered racers that do a 26 mile course. It was started in Humboldt CA. But now there are races all over.

  • Jan 18, 2014 @ 05:26am

    False DMCA complaints

    It would appear That Disney is sending false DMCA complaints to Charter Communications with the malicious intent to get people's internet service provider to cut their internet based on false claims of copyright violation. Case in point:

    I downloaded a copy of a movie in November for the purpose of writing a critique of the special effect, fair use as far as I am concerned, for journalistic purposes. There is basically no way to do a good critique of special effects without a copy of the movie so you can watch the same scene repeatedly to analyze what is happening as far as effects are concerned.

    Since then Disney has sent three DMCA notices to Charter. One for the original download and two more that are fraudulent stating I also downloaded the same movie in December and now in January. This is malicious defamation
    trying to defame me with my ISP and nothing more. It is also criminal abuse of the DMCA and vindictive persecution in an attempt to falsely make me look like a serial copyright violator.