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  • Apr 12, 2011 @ 06:53am


    Usually the client comes up with a design and the Tattoo artist fleshes(haha)it out to match the persons body where it is going to be. You are just paying an artist to paint your idea onto you. It is yours.

    As for people that just stroll into a shop and pick a tattoo from a book of tattoo's. Those are like postage stamps, no creativity and no meaning in them, in my opinion.

  • Sep 22, 2009 @ 06:50am

    Drivers Need to be more aware

    Since when has there been a rash of more blind people being hit by electric cars.... oh wait.... The Driver has to pass a drivers test to look out for pedestrians crossing streets. There is even a section on what to do when you see a person with a walking stick...SLOW DOWN...and then see what they are going to do.

    Enough of the madness. There are enough driver laws about being aware of your surroundings. Driving is not a right as some think it is. It is a Privilege and if you don't follow the rules (Speeding..etc.) that will be taken away.

  • Feb 02, 2009 @ 09:01am

    Insane... OMG

    Sooo... if I hear someone playing music through their headphones, I should inform the Nazi Police and have this person sued for a public performance. OMG Get a life people and get a real job where you actually use common sense not Big Brother Tactics.

  • Jan 26, 2009 @ 08:17am


    I play video games...MMO's to be exact. I spend time on them, talking to people and have developed some nice friendships with them. Hmmmm.... I also have friends in town that I go and visit with at least two weekends a month and have a wonderful relationship with them. Per women. Well, I am not seeing anyone right now but that is my choice since I am setting some priorities to get in shape first. I also ride mountain bikes 20 miles once or twice a month, Hike with friends... Hmmm

    I guess I need to smoke pot to understand why he thinks it is so bad for you.
