thomas kokkinos-kennedy's Techdirt Profile

thomas kokkinos-kennedy

About thomas kokkinos-kennedy

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  • Oct 26, 2014 @ 01:50am

    imbalance VS balance ??

    To name a thing that happens every second I draw breath as spin is an accurate description of the communication process. Of course, it is also a derogatory rhetorical device designed to support the myth of the mono-truth through decrying its absence from the spun article.

    In another kind of truth, whether I am reading Shakespeare, TEchDirt, or an article on the entropics of redundancies in old data, I am interpreting, parsing, ignoring, mis-apprehending, mis-understanding, and, very occasionally arriving somewhere near the field the author intended to communicate to me, their reader/interpreter.

    Briefly, I appreciate bias. And I appreciate sentient bias most of all, because it is easier to navigate the field being structured by the author in relation to my own prejudices.

    Most articles that I read in TEchDirt fall into the above category, and that is why I read this blog. It does not pretend to do other than gather diverse, considered opinions. Naturally, there is political bias in the selection of authors. It is perhaps difficult to host someone you consider to be a total dickhead.