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  • Nov 23, 2023 @ 05:48pm

    Goodbill is one of a bunch of companies that have sprung up to basically negotiate with hospitals for you, because of this mess. Just the fact that there’s an industry necessary to do this should make it pretty clear just how broken the system is.
    Just looked up Goodbill, and they have a website: https://www.goodbill.com/patients I'm a bit surprised it wasn't linked to in this post or the Daily Beast one, Mike, especially given how helpful they were to you.

  • Nov 04, 2023 @ 05:04pm

    "Gotta catch 'em all!" ...just not robbers. Still, I get the feeling Team Rocket has a couple of open spots for these two (thankfully) former cops. (On a side note, seeing "ultra-ball", "poke-ball", and "master ball" without proper capitalization and accent marks pains me a little. It's not like Pokémon's been around for 25 years or anything...)

  • May 14, 2023 @ 11:35am

    I was just illustrating that writers work hard to create something that now can be done in only 3 minutes.
    And what does that 3-minute result look like? Does it have creativity? Heart? Soul? Wit? Imagination? Cleverness? A message? Is it engaging? Does it even make sense? ...or does none of that even matter anymore?
    People lose jobs because those jobs can be done better/faster/cheaper by a disruptive innovation. We saw it with coachmen and cars, we saw it with ice block makers and refrigerators, and with any similar such automation machine. AI is merely the latest chapter in that story.
    Writing is a fundamental building block of any television or film production, among other mediums. Numerous advancements have replaced certain jobs with other ones; AI writing would only eliminate jobs, and studios know this.
    But let’s all be clear about their motives… the WGA isn’t going on strike to make movies better, the WGA is going on strike because their members don’t want to adapt to a changing market.
    The writers are on strike mainly because of streaming residuals, because they're getting screwed over by Hollywood (again). AI is a side beef.
    It’s the smart writers who will become more productive and thrive in the new system—instead of writing 1 script every year, they’ll be able to write 1 new script a month (or more).
    And with substantially less human element in them, I'm willing to bet. But who cares about that when we can push quantity over quality, amirite?
    Production can then be supercharged with a flood of new content coming from hybrid writer-AI teams.
    New =/= good. But who cares about actually making good content when we can make more content?
    Writer-AI hybrid teams might be able to generate extremely original work, and lots of it…
    ...orrrr they'll be pushed into churning out formulaic bullcrap due to pressure to keep up. Besides that, AI is trained on prior art, so anything it comes up with will likely be derivative and unimaginative.
    but we’ll never see that work because the WGA is throwing a tantrum about a time-saving technology they don’t want anything to do with.
    This isn't writers being against writers using AI to help in the writing process - it's writers being against studios using AI in the writing process (and directing the money saved from not hiring writers to execs' pockets). That you'd frame the writers' issue here as "throwing a tantrum" suggests to me that your arguments really aren't worth listening to.

  • May 12, 2023 @ 11:35pm

    Aside from the various great points brought up by Stephen T. Stone and other long-timers above...

    I’ve personally done all these things. It’s hard. It’s grunt work. It takes time—many days and often weeks, and sometimes months—to get all of it right, to make sure it lands, that all the parts work in harmony with each other. You add, you take away, you agonize, you celebrate… In the end, you trade 2-12 weeks of your life but finally, the hard part is over. Now you can shop the story around town hoping someone will pay you to write the actual screenplay.
    Am I the only one who's getting a scent of sour grapes here?
    You don't have to be a studio producer to see the value here. Not only does AI save time, but it saves costs, as well.
    I agree with this, but not in the "it'll help writers be more productive" way. I suspect the WGA's concern here is that studios would use AI writing to minimize human writers' presence (and thus cost) in the filmmaking process, if not eliminate them entirely. After all, why pay people to write a treatment or screenplay or script when you can just have an AI do it instead? Less time spent waiting for writers, less money spent on hiring writers, and no having to wrangle with those pesky "unions". Speaking of unions, your attitude of "This one union was wrong about technology, therefore the WGA is wrong too and history will prove me right!" doesn't help matters. Yes, AI writing would affect only a single aspect of filmmaking, but it's one that AI can't equal humans at because it doesn't have a heart or emotions to pour into its writing. tl;dr - Your basic argument is flawed, cheerleading for AI putting human writers out of work and maximizing studios' profitability while bashing the WGA for daring to have any issue whatsoever with AI (essentially "Don't they know how great AI is?! Of course they do, but they won't admit it or use it because they don't like the fact they'll be rendered obsolete by it."). It's so "AI techbro" it hurts.

  • Apr 20, 2023 @ 05:19pm

    Go on R34, look up anal vore and see how many idiots’ response is “Gawd I wish that were me.”
    You're telling us to look up pornographic art of literal buttmunchers, open various images, and look at the comments to find the sad people who want to be eaten by buttholes. Seriously? Seriously?! Brain Bleach is expensive, dude. I'd much rather go on YouTube and watch videos of kittens and puppies being adorable. It's free, and I retain what's left of my sanity.
    But love wins, right?
    I mean, for those people you mention it seems more like "butt love"...

  • Apr 14, 2023 @ 06:04pm

    Tony Ortega is another good writer, covering the Church of $ci€ntolog¥: https://tonyortega.substack.com/

  • Mar 29, 2023 @ 12:16pm

    As per the Civil Rights Act, which is clearly unconstitutional
    On what grounds? Because as it stands now, you're telling me you're a bigoted a-hole without telling me you're a bigoted a-hole.
    Clarence Thomas. (also my favorite Justice[)]
    Ah yes, the guy who helped overturn Roe v. Wade and wants to do the same to NYT v. Sullivan, and whose wife was hard at work trying to overturn Trump's 2020 election loss, is your favorite Justice. Nope, not surprised in the least.

  • Mar 02, 2023 @ 03:58pm

    Addendum: that's the official channel, but it in no way shows just how Neuro-sama has interacted with others. I probably should've just linked to a general YouTube search (like this one) instead.

  • Mar 02, 2023 @ 03:52pm

    Now I'm starting to wonder where they'd put Neuro-sama on that list.

  • Jan 26, 2023 @ 09:08pm

    But some folks, including in our comments, have been insisting that any interaction by any government official is automatically coercive. And, while I’m guessing they will argue here that “this is different,” because it was about reinstating an account, rather than taking one down
    Nah, they'll say this is different because it's Republicans doing the coercing and "It's perfectly fine when we do it!"

  • Jan 23, 2023 @ 04:32pm

    [Trump]'s been brainstorming with people about what his big return tweet will be.
    "The storm is upon us." If I'm not mistaken, there's a QAnon "prophecy" that when Dump tweets that, it's the sign that the "Christians" winning against the "satanic librul woke demoncrats" has begun. There's a non-zero chance it'd be seen as a call to action (read: violence) by the QAnoners. So yeah, Dump can do worse than Elon. Much worse.

  • Jan 13, 2023 @ 09:34am

    Pot, meet Kettle

    You lot are a bunch of mouth breathing antifa idiots for the most part.
    Protip: "antifa" is short for "anti-fascist/fascism", therefore part of your mudslinging is calling us idiots for hating fascism. Given how often you RWNJ MAGAts use the term against those you hate, it says a lot more about you than it does about the Repugnant Cultural Others you hate solely for being Not Cis Hetero Conservative "Christian" White Guys.
    No proof will be considered sufficient and you will shift goal posts as required.
    Given your previous use of QAnon-esque phrases, your next line will be "Do your own research." (Seriously, why is it always projection with you people?)

  • Jan 11, 2023 @ 10:53pm

    I demand a higher quality of insult.
    You know, I considered it. I considered pulling out one of SFDebris' lengthy insults and changing a few names. I considered copy-pasting a decent-size insult I made towards someone else here a while back. I even considered crafting a brand-new insult here. I considered all those things. ...but I decided you're just not worth my time and effort.

  • Dec 28, 2022 @ 07:38pm

    As a publicly traded company, [... t]he pressure to deliver quarter over quarter growth
    ...Should be ignored if not outright told to go screw itself, in my opinion. Then again, I'm nowhere near being an expert on the stock market/Wall Street, so I have no clue if that's actually a good idea. Either way, though... the definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly while expecting different results, and those who fail to learn from the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them - and there's been so many companies that have insisted on kneecapping themselves (as Netflix is doing now) to appease Wall Street, you'd think others would try not doing that.

  • Dec 28, 2022 @ 12:39pm

    I'm lukewarm on Musk
    Suuuure you are. Your full-throated defense of him suggests otherwise.
    but I really fucking hate censorship,
    "...by which I mean privately-held platforms that dare to use their powers of moderation to punish conservatives who break the site's ToS rules against bigotry and racism. Don't they know conservatives don't have to obey any rules or laws they don't like?!"
    and government censorship in particular
    "...unless it's conservatives doing the censoring, in which case f-ck the Not Conservatives!"
    Which Masnick loves, apparently.
    IMAX-level projection aside...Elon's still not gonna let you service his micropeen.

  • Dec 20, 2022 @ 06:56pm

    oh gawd, how dare people who disagree with me exist? And continue to disagree with me!?! THE OUTRAGE!
    Why is it always projection with you people?

  • Dec 20, 2022 @ 06:45pm

    I mean he is officially their Second Coming. I’m pretty sure there’s even ‘Trump is Jesus’ merch out there that’s not meant to be ironic.
    Which, for Christians and anyone else who knows the Bible, should be a big huge red flag. Christians know and see that Trump's words and deeds are as far from godly as the east is from the west, whereas "Christians" (those who claim to follow God but don't act like it, claim the US was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, spread hatred, consider white hetero guys to be the tip-top of humanity, etc.) treat him not only as if he is a man of God but...well, as you noted above. Trump isn't the first man to be seen as a god by certain people or groups, but it's very disturbing how many religious types are following him blindly. The blind leading the blind...

  • Dec 20, 2022 @ 06:22pm

    So they need to find mortal to make a false idol of, the core tenet of Christianity.
    This despite the Bible pretty explicitly warning against worshipping false idols, including that whole "you shall have no other gods before Me" Commandment.

  • Dec 15, 2022 @ 04:31pm

    Ah yes, the "you can't use our copyrighted stuff without permission, but we can use your copyrighted stuff without permission" move. (Seriously, hackers and the like dissect games front to back. You actually thought nobody was gonna notice, especially with that very obvious Getty Images watermark?) Also...

    Crises Core – Final Fantasy 7 – Reunion
    No. It's Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Reunion. Seriously, five seconds of googling.

  • Dec 12, 2022 @ 10:32pm

    from the spin-the-wheel! dept.
    I didn't realize the "meet-the-new-boss..." department got renamed.

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